Forsyth Flow Cytometry


The Forsyth Flow Cytometry Core manages and maintains 2 major pieces of equipment for Flow Cytometry and cell sorting analysis, and offers consulting and support services for the detection of up to 14 different fluorescent parameters simultaneously, RBC contaminated samples, and high-throughput analysis using 96 or 384-well plates. The cell sorter allows for collecting cells/particulates of interest, after-screening for positively selected markers, downstream applications, and is capable of sorting four separate cell populations simultaneously.

Forsyth does allow independent use of equipment once users have completed mandatory training and demonstrate proficiency. Fees are based on hourly use of the machines. Please request more information from

Available equipment includes:

Invitrogen™ Attune™ NxT flow cytometer featuring acoustic-assisted hydrodynamic focusing, which allows for sample-throughput rates up to 10 times faster than traditional cytometers. Using violet side scatter detectors it is possible to run no-wash, no-lyse protocols with RBC contaminated samples. There is also the added capability of using the 96 and 384 well plate autosampler for high throughput analysis. Our current filter setup allows for analyzing up to 14 separate colors/cell markers from a single sample.

BD FACSAria™ II cell sorter, with temperature control, aerosol management, and multiple tube holders are available.  Our current filter setup allows for analyzing up to 13 separate colors/cell markers from a single sample.